Preparing for Harvest!

Dear Parents/Carers

Before today’s blog, I’d just like to apologise for there being no blog last week. I typed it up last Friday and then forgot to press the publish button, only realising when I came to write this week’s blog.

The children have been excellent this week as we shift our focus to harvest. We spent the week thinking about what we are thankful for and how we can celebrate harvest, ending with an assembly delivered by Mother Helen and Father Alastair about self-control, one of our values for this half term.

For Spelling Shed this week, three of the groups have one extended list each, while one group has two lists. Everyone has been working very hard with their phonics and the children are very prepared for the phonics screening at the end of term. Please continue the children’s phonics at home, and read with them as often as possible to support this learning.

This week in maths we started to look at addition and subtraction, focusing on fact families and creating related links between ones and tens. The children found it difficult initially, but it started to click when using additional practical resources. In English we have had a grammar week, looking at adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs. In Art and R.E. we have been thinking about our Harvest Festival next week. We have created orange hearts for our rainbow harvest and had a lesson in the garden thinking about what we are grateful for in our lives. All of the children chose sentimental things, such as their families, school, friends and specific memories, rather than material things, which was nice to hear. The children also created their Christmas Card designs which you will be able to buy at some point.

Next week, we will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction, with the aim to strength our number bonds to 100. In English, we will be starting a new genre of writing, informative reports, in which the children will be researching and writing an information page on the Isle of Wight. In Science we will be concluding our materials topic, thinking about what we have learnt this half term, and we are finishing the week (weather-permitting) with our Harvest Festival.

Thank you for all the books bags that have come in for the past two weeks. If you do have any further questions about the children’s reading please send an email to the school office or leave a note in your child’s bookbag.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Moon Experts

This week we started our new book ‘Sidney, Stella and the Moon’.

This a story about twins Sidney and Stella  who love doing everything together – everything except sharing. In the story a quarrel over a bouncy ball creates a moon-sized problem when they accidentally smash the moon into pieces!  The siblings have to work together to solve the problem and find a new moon.

When we finished this story, it got us thinking about fiction and non-fiction. We knew this story must be fiction because the moon wouldn’t be broken by a bouncy ball. This got us thinking about everything else we knew about the moon and we wrote information pages to share are fascinating facts.

Please quiz us at home about our knowledge of the moon, as we are now ‘Moon Experts’. We can tell you all about what it’s like on the moon, missions to the moon (including Apollo 11 and Apollo 13) and we have learnt some great ‘Did you know?’ facts.

In maths we have been learning how to add two numbers together and then calculate related addition facts. For example, if 12 + 8 = 20 then 8 + 12 = 20. We used part, part whole models to help us in our calculations.

In science we have been learning about man-made and natural materials.

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt this half term:

ee (see)

oo (zoo)

igh (high)

ay (play)

air (fair)

or (for)

ir (girl)

There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

Next week we will be making fact books about the Apollo 11 mission to the moon and finishing our work on addition before moving onto subtraction.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Faith Champion

At St Matthew’s each class has a ‘Faith Champion’. This is an important role within our school where the children have the opportunity to share and uphold our school values through a variety of responsibilities. Some of the things a Faith Champion might do are:

  • Be on the lookout for children following our school values (award certificates)
  • Have meetings to share their ideas
  • Sell angels/items to raise money for Kibera
  • Be a part of an assembly
  • Be a faith ambassador for St. Matthews
  • Take photos, be on the lookout for examples of Friendship, Discovery and Prayer
  • Be a prayer warrior for their class

Today your child took home a letter explaining what they need to do if they would like to apply to become the Faith Champion for our class. I have also attached the letter below:

Faith Champion

All applicants must be in by Friday 16th October. Please note that this is optional, your child took home a letter because they showed interest.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Cucumber Sandwiches

This week we have written a set of instructions to teach people how to make Bob’s favourite cucumber sandwich.


During this half term we have been learning about a Christian baptism.

On Friday we went to St Matthew’s Church where Mother Helen reenacted a baptism to show the children what happens during the service. Thank you to Mother Helen for inviting us and to Father Alastair and Janice Price for helping us walk the children to the church.

This week we have been reviewing the following sounds:

ou (shout, out)

and reading CCVC words (consonant, consonant, vowel consonant ‘stop’).

Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds and words:

Next week we will be starting our new core text ‘Sidney, Stella and the Moon’

We will then be writing an information page about the moon.

We hope you have a restful weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon  🙂

Red Squirrels and Newspaper Reports

Dear Parents/Carers

The children have continued their hard work this week and have started to really settle in to their new role as the oldest children in Key Stage 1, being excellent role models for all the younger children in our bubble.

For Spelling Shed this week there are lists of spellings for each group. The children will practise their phonics at school each day, and the spelling shed supports this learning at home. Maths shed can be used by the children to revise what we have looked at in maths this week through their lesson quiz function.

This week we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s in maths, both in ascending and descending order. In English the children have become journalists and have learnt about and written newspaper articles based on the Lonely Beast. We will publish their newspapers on Monday, adding pictures and captions to their writing. If you would like to watch the Lonely beast story, it can be listened to here –

In Science, we learnt about materials can be changed through bending, twisting, squashing and breaking, as well as what would happen to different materials if they were left in water, or heated up. In topic we began to research the Isle of Wight for our Wish you were here topic. The children learnt that rare animals, such as the red squirrel live on the island, as well as various other facts. In R.E. we continued to look at the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah, creating cards and trying some apples with honey –  a common dish in a Rosh Hashanah feast. Most of the children thought it was very yummy! In Art, the children created collages, making globes using card, paper and tissue paper.

Next week, we will be learning how to count in 10s and 3s in maths, writing riddles in English, investigating which materials are waterproof in science, learning about objects that are important to Jewish people in R.E., and labelling human and physical features of the Isle of Wight in Topic.

Have a lovely weekend, thank you for your continued support. Please can the children’s book bags be back on Wednesday.

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy


A Strange and Mysterious Planet

This week we have been learning how to write a description of a setting. Bob had landed on a strange and mysterious planet and needed our help in describing what he could see. We thought of adjectives to describe this unknown setting. We then wrote these descriptions as sentences in our books.

In maths we have been  learning how to compare numbers and amounts using the mathematical symbols < > =

In science we learnt about see through and not see through materials.

We then used this knowledge to  select the best material to create a shadow puppet.


This week the children took home their weekly reading books. The books will need to be returned on a Wednesday so that the children can take home a new set on Thursday. Please see the attached letter explaining how books are distributed in KS1.

Book letter to parents

In phonics we have been learning the following sounds:

air (fair, stair)

ir (bird, girl)

or (for)


There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

There is also a maths challenge for the children to play where they revise their number bonds to 10.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

The Lonely Beast and a brand new Spelling Shed

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had another excellent week in which the children have worked very hard; they’ve definitely earned a restful weekend!

This week I have set Spellings on Spelling Shed. The spellings each child has been set is based on our phonic assessments we have been doing over the past few weeks. This is very important in preparation for the phonics screening test at the end of half term. This will be mainly used as revision, however one group has started on the Year 2 spelling lists and we will have a small quiz to test the children next Friday. The aim is to move all of the children up to the Year 2 spelling list over time.

With the phonic assessments now complete, the children will be taking home learning to read books and reading for pleasure books from Thursday 24th September. After this week, the children will bring back their book bags on Wednesday and they will be sent home again on Thursday. The reading for pleasure book can be read to the children, and they will have some choice over what they take home. The learning to read books will be set based on the sound each child is looking at that week.

This week we have become beasts and written a diary entry about the Lonely Beast’s adventure. The children wrote in first person and in the past tense and tried to use exciting vocabulary. In maths we have been learning about comparing numbers and objects and we have been revisiting some of our learning from the end of Year 1.

In topic, the children learnt about the countries and capital cities of the UK. In R.E. we began our topic on Judaism by learning about the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, which is happening over this weekend. In science, the children continue to learn about materials and we explored the suitability of certain materials. In P.E. we completed obstacle courses that practised skills linking to our athletics topic. In Art, the children have painted their own versions of the Lonely Beast, which I will post pictures of to the blog when they have dried next week.

Next week we will be starting to look at Newspapers in English, counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3 in maths, creating Rosh Hashanah cards and learning about different foods eaten during the Jewish New Year in R.E., and we will be starting to research facts about the Isle of Wight in Topic.

Have a lovely weekend, thank you for all of your support in the first few weeks of this new school year.

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

The Man on the Moon

This week we have been making information pages writing about Bob and his job as ‘Man on the Moon’. We described his uniform and the important tasks he has to complete.

In maths we have been learning how to count forwards and backwards. We have completed number sequences as numerals and pictures.

In science we have continued learning about different materials and their properties. We helped Bob who needed some new items for his rocket. We told him which material would be best for a: chair, waterbottle, bookshelf and window by describing their properties.

In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

oo (zoo)

igh (high)

ow (snow)


There are words containing these sounds for the children to practise available on the Spelling Shed website:

Next Wednesday the children will take home their weekly reading books and reading log. The books will need to be returned on Wednesday so that the children can take home a new set on Thursday. The children will be given a ‘learning to read book’ for them to read to you. This book will have a sticker in the corner. They will also receive a ‘reading for pleasure’ book.  This book is to be read to or with the child and will not contain a sticker on the cover.  The reading log is an opportunity to encourage the child and ensure that they are reading on a daily basis. Any comments regarding the child’s reading will be looked at as we change the books.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂


Year One Spelling Shed

Dear Parents and Carers,

As a school we have joined ‘The Spelling Shed’ to help children practise and learn their spellings. Today the children have all been given a username and password to help them access their spellings at home . The link to the Spelling Shed is below:

The children enter their username and password to access their account. Once signed into their account, the children can then access the various spellings that we are practising in class. The children can  work through the different levels to help them practise their spellings.

There are also some maths games available for the children to practise their number bonds and fluency skills.

We can’t wait to see how the children get on,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂

Welcome to Year One

 Hello and welcome to Willow Class.

This week we have started our topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ where will be learning about great explorers. Below is a copy of the Autumn curriculum map that outlines our learning for the Autumn Term and a powerpoint explaining the routines in year one:

Welcome to Year 1

Curriculum Map Autumn final

This week we have started reading our class text ‘Bob Man on the Moon’.

We learnt about Bob’s day on the moon and all of the jobs he has to complete inside his rocket. Unfortunately, Bob’s favourite sandwich was stolen by a very sneaky alien.

To help Bob, we wrote wanted posters describing the alien’s appearance and personality. Our amazing posters helped Bob capture the alien and reclaim his lunch.

In maths we have been learning how to use different resources to represent numbers. We wrote the number as a numeral and used numicon to represent a 2-digit number.

In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:

ee- see, tree

oa- goat, boat, float

ay- may, day

oy- boy, toy

As a school we have joined ‘The Spelling Shed’ to help children practise and learn their spellings. Next week the children will all be given a username and password to help them access their spellings at home.

 In science we have started our topic ‘Materials’. We looked at different materials and began to describe their properties. We then sorted the materials using the vocabulary we had generated.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂