Dear Parents and Carers
This week has been school diversity week and we marked it in several ways. The children continued their learning on historically significant women by learning more about Rosa Parks and Catherine Duleep Singh. The children wrote a non-chronological report on Rosa Parks and her impact on racial equality, and we acted as historical detectives when looking at photos of Catherine Singh’s life. Singh was a courageous British Indian woman born in Victorian England. She went on to help Jewish families escape Germany prior to World War 2 with her partner Lina Schafer. On Tuesday, the children also learnt about and celebrated Windrush Day though music, poetry and art.
Amongst our topic learning we have also continued our revising our Year 2 learning and the children are ready to complete their practise SATs next week. One revision tool we have used is the interactive games on BBC bitesize. The children have enjoyed continuing their learning on a different platform. Two good games are:
English grammar, punctuation and spelling:Â
Maths revision:Â
General revision:Â
The children have worked very hard since half term to practise and prepare for these tests (we have called them quizzes), and I know everyone will do their best.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy