Dear Parents/Carers
Before today’s blog, I’d just like to apologise for there being no blog last week. I typed it up last Friday and then forgot to press the publish button, only realising when I came to write this week’s blog.
The children have been excellent this week as we shift our focus to harvest. We spent the week thinking about what we are thankful for and how we can celebrate harvest, ending with an assembly delivered by Mother Helen and Father Alastair about self-control, one of our values for this half term.
For Spelling Shed this week, three of the groups have one extended list each, while one group has two lists. Everyone has been working very hard with their phonics and the children are very prepared for the phonics screening at the end of term. Please continue the children’s phonics at home, and read with them as often as possible to support this learning.
This week in maths we started to look at addition and subtraction, focusing on fact families and creating related links between ones and tens. The children found it difficult initially, but it started to click when using additional practical resources. In English we have had a grammar week, looking at adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs. In Art and R.E. we have been thinking about our Harvest Festival next week. We have created orange hearts for our rainbow harvest and had a lesson in the garden thinking about what we are grateful for in our lives. All of the children chose sentimental things, such as their families, school, friends and specific memories, rather than material things, which was nice to hear. The children also created their Christmas Card designs which you will be able to buy at some point.
Next week, we will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction, with the aim to strength our number bonds to 100. In English, we will be starting a new genre of writing, informative reports, in which the children will be researching and writing an information page on the Isle of Wight. In Science we will be concluding our materials topic, thinking about what we have learnt this half term, and we are finishing the week (weather-permitting) with our Harvest Festival.
Thank you for all the books bags that have come in for the past two weeks. If you do have any further questions about the children’s reading please send an email to the school office or leave a note in your child’s bookbag.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy