Dear Parents/Carers
The children have continued their hard work this week and have started to really settle in to their new role as the oldest children in Key Stage 1, being excellent role models for all the younger children in our bubble.
For Spelling Shed this week there are lists of spellings for each group. The children will practise their phonics at school each day, and the spelling shed supports this learning at home. Maths shed can be used by the children to revise what we have looked at in maths this week through their lesson quiz function.
This week we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s in maths, both in ascending and descending order. In English the children have become journalists and have learnt about and written newspaper articles based on the Lonely Beast. We will publish their newspapers on Monday, adding pictures and captions to their writing. If you would like to watch the Lonely beast story, it can be listened to here –
In Science, we learnt about materials can be changed through bending, twisting, squashing and breaking, as well as what would happen to different materials if they were left in water, or heated up. In topic we began to research the Isle of Wight for our Wish you were here topic. The children learnt that rare animals, such as the red squirrel live on the island, as well as various other facts. In R.E. we continued to look at the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah, creating cards and trying some apples with honey – a common dish in a Rosh Hashanah feast. Most of the children thought it was very yummy! In Art, the children created collages, making globes using card, paper and tissue paper.
Next week, we will be learning how to count in 10s and 3s in maths, writing riddles in English, investigating which materials are waterproof in science, learning about objects that are important to Jewish people in R.E., and labelling human and physical features of the Isle of Wight in Topic.
Have a lovely weekend, thank you for your continued support. Please can the children’s book bags be back on Wednesday.
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy