Spring Officially started on the 20th March, but we headed into the woods before then to see what signs of spring were already there!
We looked carefully at branches and saw that buds had started to grow.
Catkins hung from the trees, Ryan thought they looked like caterpillars.
We saw daffodils in lots of places. Seeing daffodils really brightened up our day! Sam and Theo even gave us a plant for the classroom. Thank you!
We got to Fishponds Wood quite early and found that dew was still on the ground. Eliza thought the dew made the grass sparkle.
We found many more signs of spring, I think our favourite was hearing the woodpecker tapping as we arrived at the woods. We couldn’t see it but we sure heard it!
After our snack we each had a Spring poem that we had to share with the class. The sun shone so we all took off our coats as we performed the poems. It really did feel like spring was on its way!
Miss M x