Dear Parents and Carers
This week the children’s homework is slightly different to normal. Spelling Shed and Maths shed can both be accessed, but I haven’t set any specific work. Instead you can find revision PowerPoints on this blog post to help the children prepare for the phonics screening check. It will be completed in a few weeks and all of the children are well prepared. Look through some of the previous tests with the children at home and help them to practise any words they are still finding tricky.
This week the children have written excellent stories based on our book Journey. The children were fully immersed in their imaginative worlds that they created and all wrote exciting stories based in these worlds. In maths, we completed our work on addition and subtraction by looking at number bonds to 100 and adding three 1-digit numbers together. Next week, we will be moving onto money. In Science, the children learnt about the basic needs of humans and other animals required for survival. We will be moving onto learning about healthy diets, the names of different animal offspring and how we can stay fit and active.
In music, the children continued learning out song, ‘Ho Ho Ho’. Miss Luetchford has agreed to let us sing it in our Christmas celebration which the children are excited about. In topic, we wrote postcards as if we had been to the Isle of Wight. The children talked about all of the things they have learnt to create convincing recounts of their imaginary holidays to the south of England. In Art, we looked at drawing and colouring in landscapes. The children practising mixing different colours together when colouring with pastels.
I was also pleased to hear that the children worked fantastically well and their behaviour was brilliant while I was away earlier this week, well done everyone!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy
Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-2013-Childrens-Materials-Powerpoint
Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-2014-Childrens-Materials-Powerpoint
Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-Childrens-Materials-PowerPoint