What an exciting first week we’ve had in Year 1!
This week we have started our topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ where we will be learning about explorers focusing on Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.
Below is a copy of Autumn curriculum map that outlines our learning for the Autumn Term:
We read the story ‘Alien’s Love Underpants’ and thought of adjectives to describe the cheeky aliens. We then wrote these adjectives as sentences in our brand new Year 1 Topic Books.
Next week we will creating space rockets using junk modelling materials. Please can you donate and spare boxes or items that could be used for this.
In maths we have been practising writing our numbers in our new Year 1 Maths Books, remembering to write the numbers inside the squares.
In art we learnt about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and recreated his ‘concentric circles’ painting for our Year 1 Art Gallery.
Next week we will be starting Show and Tell. In Year 1 each group will be given a turn for Show and Tell. They have the whole week to bring in an item that they would like to share with the class. Next week it will be the turn of the Roaring Rockets table: Emima, Ire, Lily, Ana, Arto and Shiven.
We look forward to seeing you next week on Wednesday 11th September for ‘Meet the Teacher’.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team