Hello and welcome to Willow Class.
This week we have started our topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ where will be learning about great explorers. Below is a copy of the Autumn curriculum map that outlines our learning for the Autumn Term and a powerpoint explaining the routines in year one:
This week we have started reading our class text ‘Bob Man on the Moon’.
We learnt about Bob’s day on the moon and all of the jobs he has to complete inside his rocket. Unfortunately, Bob’s favourite sandwich was stolen by a very sneaky alien.
To help Bob, we wrote wanted posters describing the alien’s appearance and personality. Our amazing posters helped Bob capture the alien and reclaim his lunch.
In maths we have been learning how to use different resources to represent numbers. We wrote the number as a numeral and used numicon to represent a 2-digit number.
In phonics we have been revising the following sounds:
ee- see, tree
oa- goat, boat, float
ay- may, day
oy- boy, toy
As a school we have joined ‘The Spelling Shed’ to help children practise and learn their spellings. Next week the children will all be given a username and password to help them access their spellings at home.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂