Year 1: Have You Seen These Fairy Tale Villains?

This week we have continued reading our core text ‘Into the Forest’. We noticed that a wolf was hiding behind one of the trees and this got us to thinking about what other fairy tale villains could be lurking in the woods.To help people catch the villains we wrote a wanted poster describing a fairy tale villain. We worked hard to include adjectives to describe their appearance and characteristics.

In maths this week we have been learning how to use a number line to solve a subtraction problem. We counted backwards and used empty number lines to solve a range of subtraction equations. We have also been revising our number bonds to and 20.

In art we have been learning about the artist William Morris.

We will be making our own William Morris inspired painting. This week we focused on sketching leaves and flowers from observation.

In class we have been looking at our favourite stories to read. The children have been invited to share their favourite books with the class by writing down the name of a book that they would recommend to their peers. Each week we will share one of the recommendations with you on our class blog.

This week’s recommendation is written by Miss Luetchford:

I am recommending the book ‘The Dark’ by Lemony Snicket.

This is a story about a young boy called Laszlo who is afraid of the dark.  In the story the dark lives in the same house as Laszlo but spends most of his time in the basement. One night, the dark comes upstairs to Laszlo’s room, and Laszlo goes down to the basement.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The story involves overcoming our worries, which we all  need to be reminded to do from time to time. The illustrations help bring the story to life. I hope you enjoy reading it too!

In phonics we have been learning the following sounds:

ir (girl, twirl)

oo (zoo, too)

u-e (huge, brute)

Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:

We hope you have a restful weekend,

The Year One Team.

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