This week we had our school trip to the Science Museum where we explored the pattern pod, garden and space exhibition. The children loved seeing all of the items linked to space exploration of the past and future. Thank you to our parent helpers for accompanying us on the trip.
In English we have continued reading our text ‘Beegu’. We looked at different moments in the story and begun to think about Beegu’s motives and actions. Next week we will be writing a diary entry as Beegu.
In maths we have continued with comparing addition number sentences.
In phonics we have been learning the following sounds:
a-e (make a cake)
ay (may I play)
Attached is the link to the Spelling Shed for the children to be able to revise these sounds:
Next Wednesday, our School Councillors will be selling Christmas decorations on the KS1 playground. The children made and decorated these decorations in class and all proceeds will go to the charity Shelter.
Years one and two, have started preparing for their Christmas Show ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’.
All of the children have taken home a letter describing what clothing is required for their costume, along with a copy of their line(s) to practise at home. If you have any questions please come and speak to one of the KS1 team and we will be happy to help.
Next week it is the turn of the Roaring Rockets’ table for Show and Tell.
We hope you have a restful weekend,
Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon 🙂