If you have any questions about the children’s learning or if the children want to speak to me, I will be available to contact between 9am and 11am on ClassDojo.
Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.
Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.
Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon
Plan Willow Class Home Learning Thursday 4th June
Phonics Review sounds Thursday 4th June 2020
Link to ebook https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29307.html
Grammar Grammar mat Thursday 4th June
Writing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcig6FZVwoc
Courtroom The Great Paper Caper
Maths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOxLjOBHTzY&feature=emb_logo