Dear Parents/Carers
This week we have been learning about pictograms in maths. We learnt how to read pictograms and also had a go at creating our own. We also continued to deepen our understanding of division using sharing and grouping.
In english we have Vlad and the Great Fire of London. This week we made story maps and then re-told the story using our maps. We revised statement, command, exclamation and question sentences. We focused on formulating questions about statements we read as well as asked questions about funny pictures.
In science, we are talking about changes as part of our topic on Animals, including humans. We brought science to life – acting out the lifecycle of a frog. The four stages 1. Frogspawn 2. Tadpole 3. Froglet and 4. Adult Frog. We have also talked about the human and butterfly lifecycle in previous lessons.
Today was crazy hair day! We had lots of fun and looked great! We would like to thank everyone for contributing and making a donation.
Have a great weekend
Miss Bennett, Mrs Bibby, Mrs Killy and Mrs Glanville