A busy start to our last half term!

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome back to all of the children for our final half term in Year 2. It sounds like everyone had a very restful half term and all of the children have continued their hard work from the last half term.

Today, you should be receiving an email about our end of year assessments. We have been preparing the children for these over a long period of time, and are now ramping up our test practise and preparation. The children have responded brilliantly to this and have listened carefully to the advice and guidance we have been giving them in class. Whilst there are no published SATs in Year 2 this year (due to covid), it is great practise for the children and we have encouraged them to see it as a celebration of everything they have learnt this year. If you have any questions after reading the letter from Mr Quinn, please feel free to ask.

In Maths, the children have been learning about time, looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times and learning how to read these times on an analogue clock. We also have been looking through different arithmetic papers so the children are secure in how to work through them. In English, we have been focusing on punctuation and grammar, and in guided reading we have been refining our comprehension skills with some reading practise papers.

Next week, we will  be delivering our Year 2 class assembly in our Key Stage 1 assembly. We are hoping to film this on the day to be able to send out to all of you. If it is not possible to get a good recording on the day (due to outside noise etc.) then we will film it later in the term in a more suitable filming environment.

The children have worked really hard this week and I am so proud of their resilience and determination to do well. I have full faith that they will all do their very best this half term.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

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