1 week to go!

Dear Parents and Carers

The children have had a very different week in school this week. We started the week with the children becoming actors and the teachers becoming directors as we filmed our Christmas show. Thank you for the fantastic costumes, all of the children looked excellent! The children were wonderful role models to the younger children in Year 1 and we are all very proud of them. Photos from the show will be uploaded to the blog next week.

For the rest of the week we have been preparing and writing our detailed letters to Father Christmas. The children will publish their letters on Monday and Tuesday and we will be walking to the post box on Wednesday to post them home. This is an excellent opportunity for you to see some of the lovely writing the children have been doing this term. If you haven’t already, please can you send in an addressed envelope with a stamp by Tuesday 15th December. 

In maths, we have finished our learning for this term and are now consolidating all of our learning through practical activities and various number games. In RE, the children learnt about and created Christingles. Next week we will be finishing off the topics that we have been looking at in Geograpgy, RE, music and Science.

Next week we will also be having our Christmas party. This will take place on Wednesday 16th December. They must bring in their clothing in a named bag on Monday 14th December so that it is able to be left for 48 hours before our party on Wednesday. Due to COVID guidance, the children must bring in their own party food for them to eat by themselves. They can bring the food in a snack box and will have the opportunity to eat it in the afternoon. Please remember the food must not contain any traces of nuts, peanuts or seeds.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick

Grumpy snowmen, Christmas letters and the start of advent!

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have had a different week this week with extra show and singing practises in preparation for filming the show next week. The children have approached the show with excellent attitudes, fantastic acting and singing and have been wonderful role models throughout.

Spelling Shed this week continues to have 3 groups. All 3 groups will have a mini test next Friday. Please make sure the children are going on and checking their spellings, even if it is only a couple of games at a time. It really helps with their writing and enables us to talk about the sound they are learning in greater depth. One group is looking at the /n/ sound spelt kn and gn, one group is looking at the /j/ sound spelt -ge and one group is looking at the /ou/ sound.

This week in English the children have been preparing and planning to write a letter to Father Christmas. This letter is different to a normal letter to Santa, because the children won’t only be talking about what presents they would like, but will also include extra details about their Christmases, as well as ask Father Christmas a few questions that they have for him. After these are complete we want to have the children post the letters home, so that you can see an example of the excellent writing they have been doing this term. Could you please send in an addressed envelope with a stamp by Monday 14th December.

In Maths, we have finished money and started looking at multiplication and division which will continue through to the end of term. In topic, we have been looking at animals native to Australia. In RE, the children learnt about advent and created an advent calendar of kindness for our classroom. Next week the children will be learning more about the festivities of Christmas and thinking about how they celebrate the holiday. In Art, the children started creating grumpy snowmen for our show, and will finish these next week. In Science, the children learnt about the different stages of human life.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Dear Parents and Carers

This week for the children’s homework I have posted some more Phonics practise, as well as some maths booklets the children can have a go at. Each week I will post a different one to match the topics we have covered. This week the children can look at questions based on place value (our first topic covered this year). The children have worked very hard at consolidating their phonic knowledge, and I feel confident that all of the children are ready for our test next week.

In English, we have been continuing our adventure through the Aaron Becker Journey series, with the second book Quest. The children created wanted posters for the magical king from the story, focusing on creating exciting character descriptions. The children have really enjoyed exploring these books, and we have got some incredible creative writing from it. In maths, the children started learning about money. We learnt how to recognise coins and notes, how to count in pounds and pence, and how to select the correct amount of money.  If you have any coins at home, ask the children about what they have learnt!

In science, the children learnt about the names of different animal babies, which animals look different to their parents (such as tadpoles and frogs), and the life cycles of living things. In R.E., the children learnt about Saint David, and tried to answer the question what saints mean to Christians. In our topic lesson, we explored different facts and features about the Isle of Wight and Australia.

Next week, we will be writing acrostic poems in English, continuing to look at money in maths, learning about the wildlife of Australia and how it is different to what we have in the UK in topic, and in science, the children are learning about the different stages of humans. In R.E., the children will be creating pictures of what a saint means to them or others. In P.E., we will be moving from dance to yoga, and continuing football in outdoor PE.

Below are all the phonics and maths resources needed to continue their learning at home. Don’t feel as though you have to look at all of the resources. Have a lovely weekend, and well done to all of the children for another fantastic week, we are all very proud of the effort you are putting into each and every day!

Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick


Phonics Revision 1

Phonics Revision 2

Phonics Revision 3

Phonics Revision 4

Phonics Revision 5


Maths Place Value


Story writing, alien words and Christmas music!

Dear Parents and Carers

This week the children’s homework is slightly different to normal. Spelling Shed and Maths shed can both be accessed, but I haven’t set any specific work. Instead you can find revision PowerPoints on this blog post to help the children prepare for the phonics screening check. It will be completed in a few weeks and all of the children are well prepared. Look through some of the previous tests with the children at home and help them to practise any words they are still finding tricky.

This week the children have written excellent stories based on our book Journey. The children were fully immersed in their imaginative worlds that they created and all wrote exciting stories based in these worlds. In maths, we completed our work on addition and subtraction by looking at number bonds to 100 and adding three 1-digit numbers together. Next week, we will be moving onto money. In Science, the children learnt about the basic needs of humans and other animals required for survival. We will be moving onto learning about healthy diets, the names of different animal offspring and how we can stay fit and active.

In music, the children continued learning out song, ‘Ho Ho Ho’. Miss Luetchford has agreed to let us sing it in our Christmas celebration which the children are excited about. In topic, we wrote postcards as if we had been to the Isle of Wight. The children talked about all of the things they have learnt to create convincing recounts of their imaginary holidays to the south of England. In Art, we looked at drawing and colouring in landscapes. The children practising mixing different colours together when colouring with pastels.

I was also pleased to hear that the children worked fantastically well and their behaviour was brilliant while I was away earlier this week, well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-2013-Childrens-Materials-Powerpoint

Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-2014-Childrens-Materials-Powerpoint

Year 2 Phonics-Screening-Check-Childrens-Materials-PowerPoint

A brand new Journey!

Dear Parents and Carers

The children have returned to school this week ready to continue their learning with excellent energy and enthusiasm. They have showed excellent resilience in these difficult times and I am very proud of all of them.

This week we have started looking at our new story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. It is a wordless picture book that has already inspired fantastic and imaginative writing from all the children. Using Journey (and it’s sequels Quest and Return) we will be writing stories, acrostic poems, wanted posters and letters over the course of this half term.

You can watch the story with your child here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9VfGbDezuc

In maths, we have been learning how to complete 2 digit addition and subtraction. The children have been learning the column method in conjunction with the practical methods they already know. We will be doing more of this next week to consolidate the children’s learning.

In RE, we have been thinking about Remembrance Day. The children made their own poppy wreaths that you will be able to see below. In Science, we have started to learning about animals and humans. This week we recapped some of our learning from Year 1 on the different animal groups. In music, we looked at our new Christmas themed song for this half term. In geography, we started looking at Australia, and comparing landmarks and features in Australia and the Isle of Wight.

Spellingshed has been set for this week, I have also showed the children exactly which lessons to complete on maths shed if they want to practise their addition and subtraction at home.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Architects, Historians and Dancers!

Dear Parents and Carers

We have come to the end of our first half term in Year 2, and I would like to start by saying a big thank you for how well everyone has adapted to this new school year, it is different, but we’re trying to keep it as normal as possible for the children.

It was lovely to see lots of you at parents evening, and I wanted to clarify some things about the phonics screening test I spoke about to all of you, as I have been told there has been some confusion. The phonics screening is a national requirement for Year 1 children to sit, and it happens every year. As all school testing was cancelled in the last school year due to Covid, it has been rescheduled for the end of this term. If your child doesn’t pass it then, they will have another go at the end of Year 2; again, this is the standard procedure. We are doing all we can in school to make this as easy as possible for everyone, and to ensure that every child is supported appropriately.

With this in mind, the children have brought home a small pack of resources to help you to help them practise at home. They also came home today with the parents evening notes. These are not school reports, and are simply a record of what was said at the meeting. Because of these resources being sent home, I have not set any specific spellings on Spelling Shed this week, but both Spelling Shed and Maths Shed can still be accessed if your child would like to use them.

This week the children have written information pages linked to our topic. They have built Jewish Sukkahs, celebrating the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot (linked to our R.E. topic of Judaism). In maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract when crossing the tens. We have been using dienes to visualise exchanging ones into tens, and vice versa.  In History, we learnt about Rosa Parks, looking at her life and how an ordinary person did extraordinary things. In P.E., we continued our dance lessons, with the children creating their own dance sequences.

I hope you all have a lovely and restful half term,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Harvest, Information Pages and Saving the Planet!

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had another good week of learning in which the children have worked very hard right up to Friday home time. Earlier today we had our Key Stage 1 Harvest celebrations (in place of our usual whole school harvest festival) where the children sang Cauliflowers Fluffy and shared with each other what they are thankful for in their lives.

SpellingShed this week is the same as last week, with 3 of the groups having one longer list, whilst the last group has two smaller lists. It is clear the children have been working very hard at their spellings and phonics, and we are seeing excellent improvement from every child. Year 2 was 2nd place this week for Spelling Shed points, despite being the smallest class in the school. If you would like to see what your children have been doing in Maths, maths shed is accessible through the edshed webite as well.

This week we have learnt how to count in multiples of 10, with the children today looking at 20 more and less, and then higher amounts using the column method. In English we have been learning about informative writing, with the aim to be an information page about the Isle of Wight next week. Hopefully, the children will be able to tell you a lot about the Island if you ask them. In R.E. we looked at the Jewish Harvest festival Sukkot, and planned our Sukkah houses that we will be building next week.

It was Year 2’s turn this week to write about our weekly big question. This week our question was :

The children thought about how we can do more to help others and the planet. We followed this up with a lesson on recycling in Science.

Next week is parents evening, thank you for all taking the time to sign up and choose a time, I am looking forward to speaking to everyone!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Preparing for Harvest!

Dear Parents/Carers

Before today’s blog, I’d just like to apologise for there being no blog last week. I typed it up last Friday and then forgot to press the publish button, only realising when I came to write this week’s blog.

The children have been excellent this week as we shift our focus to harvest. We spent the week thinking about what we are thankful for and how we can celebrate harvest, ending with an assembly delivered by Mother Helen and Father Alastair about self-control, one of our values for this half term.

For Spelling Shed this week, three of the groups have one extended list each, while one group has two lists. Everyone has been working very hard with their phonics and the children are very prepared for the phonics screening at the end of term. Please continue the children’s phonics at home, and read with them as often as possible to support this learning.

This week in maths we started to look at addition and subtraction, focusing on fact families and creating related links between ones and tens. The children found it difficult initially, but it started to click when using additional practical resources. In English we have had a grammar week, looking at adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs. In Art and R.E. we have been thinking about our Harvest Festival next week. We have created orange hearts for our rainbow harvest and had a lesson in the garden thinking about what we are grateful for in our lives. All of the children chose sentimental things, such as their families, school, friends and specific memories, rather than material things, which was nice to hear. The children also created their Christmas Card designs which you will be able to buy at some point.

Next week, we will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction, with the aim to strength our number bonds to 100. In English, we will be starting a new genre of writing, informative reports, in which the children will be researching and writing an information page on the Isle of Wight. In Science we will be concluding our materials topic, thinking about what we have learnt this half term, and we are finishing the week (weather-permitting) with our Harvest Festival.

Thank you for all the books bags that have come in for the past two weeks. If you do have any further questions about the children’s reading please send an email to the school office or leave a note in your child’s bookbag.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy

Red Squirrels and Newspaper Reports

Dear Parents/Carers

The children have continued their hard work this week and have started to really settle in to their new role as the oldest children in Key Stage 1, being excellent role models for all the younger children in our bubble.

For Spelling Shed this week there are lists of spellings for each group. The children will practise their phonics at school each day, and the spelling shed supports this learning at home. Maths shed can be used by the children to revise what we have looked at in maths this week through their lesson quiz function.

This week we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s in maths, both in ascending and descending order. In English the children have become journalists and have learnt about and written newspaper articles based on the Lonely Beast. We will publish their newspapers on Monday, adding pictures and captions to their writing. If you would like to watch the Lonely beast story, it can be listened to here – youtube.com/watch?v=mRzkcuNhiBk

In Science, we learnt about materials can be changed through bending, twisting, squashing and breaking, as well as what would happen to different materials if they were left in water, or heated up. In topic we began to research the Isle of Wight for our Wish you were here topic. The children learnt that rare animals, such as the red squirrel live on the island, as well as various other facts. In R.E. we continued to look at the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah, creating cards and trying some apples with honey –  a common dish in a Rosh Hashanah feast. Most of the children thought it was very yummy! In Art, the children created collages, making globes using card, paper and tissue paper.

Next week, we will be learning how to count in 10s and 3s in maths, writing riddles in English, investigating which materials are waterproof in science, learning about objects that are important to Jewish people in R.E., and labelling human and physical features of the Isle of Wight in Topic.

Have a lovely weekend, thank you for your continued support. Please can the children’s book bags be back on Wednesday.

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy


The Lonely Beast and a brand new Spelling Shed

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had another excellent week in which the children have worked very hard; they’ve definitely earned a restful weekend!

This week I have set Spellings on Spelling Shed. The spellings each child has been set is based on our phonic assessments we have been doing over the past few weeks. This is very important in preparation for the phonics screening test at the end of half term. This will be mainly used as revision, however one group has started on the Year 2 spelling lists and we will have a small quiz to test the children next Friday. The aim is to move all of the children up to the Year 2 spelling list over time.

With the phonic assessments now complete, the children will be taking home learning to read books and reading for pleasure books from Thursday 24th September. After this week, the children will bring back their book bags on Wednesday and they will be sent home again on Thursday. The reading for pleasure book can be read to the children, and they will have some choice over what they take home. The learning to read books will be set based on the sound each child is looking at that week.

This week we have become beasts and written a diary entry about the Lonely Beast’s adventure. The children wrote in first person and in the past tense and tried to use exciting vocabulary. In maths we have been learning about comparing numbers and objects and we have been revisiting some of our learning from the end of Year 1.

In topic, the children learnt about the countries and capital cities of the UK. In R.E. we began our topic on Judaism by learning about the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, which is happening over this weekend. In science, the children continue to learn about materials and we explored the suitability of certain materials. In P.E. we completed obstacle courses that practised skills linking to our athletics topic. In Art, the children have painted their own versions of the Lonely Beast, which I will post pictures of to the blog when they have dried next week.

Next week we will be starting to look at Newspapers in English, counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3 in maths, creating Rosh Hashanah cards and learning about different foods eaten during the Jewish New Year in R.E., and we will be starting to research facts about the Isle of Wight in Topic.

Have a lovely weekend, thank you for all of your support in the first few weeks of this new school year.

Mr Stocking and Mrs Killy