Year One Home Learning Thursday 16th July and Friday 17th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Thursday 16th July  and Friday 17th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Both Mrs Sharon and I will be in school for these two days.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon


Plan Thursday 16th July Home Learning

Phonics Review Sounds Thursday 16th July

Writing Stories in Year One

Books in Year One

Maths Fractions review learning

Art Vincent Van Gogh


Plan Friday 17th July Home Learning

Phonics T-L-5489-Year-1-Phonics-Screening-Check-Childrens-Materials-PowerPoint

Maths Addition and subtraction review

Art T-T-19276-Seaside-In-A-Bottle-Craft-Instructions




Year One Home Learning Wednesday 15th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Wednesday 15th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Wednesday 15th July Home Learning

Phonics Review Sounds Wednesday 15th July

English Passport to my new class

Maths Review learning position and direction


George’s potion-


BFG Dreamcatcher-

Moving picture-Levers and Sliders

Year One Home Learning Tuesday 14th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Tuesday 14th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Monday 13th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Monday 13th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Friday 10th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Friday 10th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Year One Home Learning Thursday 9th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Thursday 9th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Thursday 9th July Home Learning

Phonics Review Sounds Thursday 9th July



Days of the week

Days of the week challenge sheet

months of year – jumbled

Months of the year questions

Geography Europe


Spanish Colours

Rainbow Colours in Spanish

Art Gaudi

Salt dough model -Instructions

Year One Home Learning Wednesday 8th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Wednesday 8th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Wednesday 8th July Home Learning

Phonics Wednesday 8th July review sounds

Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Writing– The-Minpins-prediction final

See video on Class Dojo

Maths  Time to the half hour challenge sheet

Wednesday time to the half hour


Animals of Asia



Rangoli India


Japanese fans:

Cherry blossom scrolls:


Miss Radi’s French Week French Week

Year One Home Learning Tuesday 7th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Tuesday 7th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Tuesday-7th-July-Home-Learning final

Phonics Review Sounds Tuesday 7th July

Writing story of The Enormous Crocodile –

African Savanna

African animals images

Meerkat information page example

Grammar- Synonyms for enormous

Maths Tell time time to the hour

Time to the hour challenge sheet


Continent of Africa



Adult Guidance African Animal Sunset Art

Silhouette Cut-Outs

Miss Radi’s French Week French Week

Year One Home Learning Monday 6th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Monday 6th July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Monday 6th July Home Learning final

Phonics Review Sounds Monday 6th July

Grammar Conjunction and punctuation dice

Writing Roald Dahl Villains examples

Teaching video on Class Dojo

Maths Seconds, minutes, hours challenge sheet

Seconds, minutes, hours

GeographyAll About Australia

Australia and Oceania

Australian art–  Boomerang template

Aboriginal Art

Miss Radi’s French Week – French Week

Year One Home Learning Friday 3rd July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below is the lesson overview for Friday 3rd July and the resources you will need to carry out the activities.

Please remember that under these difficult circumstances, these activities are suggestions so only complete what you can.

Once again thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Miss Luetchford and Mrs Sharon

Plan Friday 3rd July Home Learning

Phonics Phonics Review Friday 3rd July

Grammar Burglar Bill vocabulary review


Teaching video on Class Dojo

Maths Money teaching videos to revise learning –

Money ‘show what you know’

Geography Continent of Antarctica

What I would pack in my suitcase if I went to the Antarctic

Mr Stocking’s Geography Week– St. Matthew’s Geography theme week