Deep Down in the Woods


This week we have been focusing on the setting of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and have been learning all about rainforests.  We have begun to organise our information ready to write an information page next week. We now know lots of facts about rainforests, for example did you know that rainforests are called the ‘Earth’s lungs’? This is because they give us so much oxygen.  Try quizzing us on our rainforest facts!

On Tuesday we had our first trip to Fishpond’s Wood. We explored the physical features of our local environment and used crayons to make rubbings of the different trees. This helped us learn about the various patterns and textures. We also made careful sketches of various plants focusing carefully on their shape and colours.  After that, we used nature to make our own artistic creation. Like the artist Andy Goldworthy, we collected various twigs, leaves and flowers to make something artistic from nature.








Chris Leon

Erin Shinjiro


Harry Aaron Miti

Lily D



Miti and Aaron



Sofia Matilda Leon



In maths we have been continuing to explore measurements. We have learnt how to measure in cm, remembering that we need to start at 0 cm to make an accurate measurement. We have begun to explore the mass of different objects. We used cubes to measure the weight of different items in the classroom.

Below is a link to a website that provides some great reasoning and problem solving challenges for the children.

In science we have been continuing to learn about plants. We grew our own cress to observe how a seed changes and grows into a plant.

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In phonics this week we have been revising the sounds:

ue (blue, chuev)

aw (yawn, dawn quawp)

ew (chew, few, pewt)

Below are the links to the websites that were mentioned during parent’s evening. These provide some great games for the children to help practise sounding out and blending.

Next week it is the turn of the Gingerbread Man table (Kallum, Isabella, Matilda and Cruz) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team





Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

What a week it’s been! We started the week with a whole school play on the field which was ‘snow much fun’.




















This week we have continued our core text ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. We wrote information pages telling readers how to spot a wild thing. We described their appearance, habitat, characteristics and diet.

In maths this week we have continued measuring the length and height of different objects using our hands and cubes. We have started using standard units of measurement by using meter sticks and rulers to explore cm and M. We will continue this next week.

On Thursday we celebrated ‘World Book Day’ and dressed up as our favourite characters from different stories. To celebrate the day we participated in a whole school parade to showcase our amazing outfits and joined Year 2 for a KS1 Where’s Wally hunt. Thank you for your donations towards the Book Aid Trust. In the assembly the children learnt about how their donations help bring books to children around the world.

Aaron Bella Benedict Chris Cruz Ella Erin Finn Harrison Harry James Bond Leon Levi Lily D Lily V Matilda Megan Miti Nelson Shinjiro Sofia

Weather permitting, we are hoping to start out Forest School activities at Fishpond’s Woods next week.

Next week it is the turn of the Jack and the Beanstalk table for Show and Tell (Miti, Lucas, Shinjiro, Megan and Nelson).

We hope you have lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

Meeting the Wild Things

This week we have started our new core text ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.


We generated adjectives to describe the appearance and characteristics of the wild things and used plasticine to create our own character for the story. Here are our terrifying wild things:

636548061836158674_26F6C8AB-70F6-4D76-BE4C-1BF4264A7DA6 By Nelson

636548061841306683_B5CC7242-E615-4357-8427-02A71C59B23B  By Chris

636548061846454692_10650BD8-FB09-4B16-B7CA-EC10D22A22B3 By Isabella

636548061851290700_FE7E97C7-DB32-4025-8CC4-BABF55B35598 By Edward

636548061856282709_09500736-5BBC-4657-8749-06CCC44A5979 By Levi

636548061861898719_32A2676B-33CB-4B05-A7E4-F7FFE5593FE3 By Lily D

636548061866578727_EEA8FE80-282F-40E1-8964-698D0E11C8EE By Benedict

636548061871726736_FDC20FEC-94E7-4DCF-BB22-D7F6255A1200 By Harry

636548061876874745_51589F82-A589-4146-828F-825BC32C936E By Shinjiro

636548061881866754_A056AE64-F90B-4373-AF5F-8A18C93F156D By Ella

636548061886546762_BE2A2F32-E780-412C-821F-420512D343B7 By Sofia

636548061892006772_4A06358F-6DDC-4B1C-B964-15821E092CAF By Erin

636548061896842780_C1F834B7-6920-4141-B36A-3E297D5C5324 By Bella

636548061902770791_92BBE188-641D-4A1C-9DE4-0151BCF80615 By Cruz

636548061912754808_0AA39584-5B31-40D0-AD6F-A818D5AA3C57 By Kallum

636548061917902817_81601F3B-B572-4442-9E07-CDDE5A3E77AB By Lucas

636548061923362827_BFA94E63-A55B-4569-ACA3-9B897C6E3467 By Aaron

636548061928198835_69EFBAC8-6645-4CAE-B987-95551BB2D585 By Harrison

636548061933346844_336D1A0B-F591-49DD-99B4-DCCF06D007BB By Finn

636548061938806854_63228694-C45E-42F8-AD2D-97C8F1C5A2CE By Matilda

636548061944734864_5C7F7473-602A-43DD-A1E0-0ADB634A0305 By Miti

636548061950350874_DCCA3159-B7EA-4854-A99E-0E4C45A3DBAB By Lily V

636548061955966884_3C25F7B7-77C3-461D-9055-EEFD7709127BBy Megan

636548061907606799_DD8F0792-4604-4F4D-8DD3-539DABFD280D (1) By Leon

In phonics we have been reviewing the following sounds:

ee (teeth, feet, meet, queet, zeep)

ea (tea, sea, leap, cheap, queax, beath)

e-e (eve, steve, meve, peme)

On the website below there are a range of games to play with the children to help practise their sounds.

In maths we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also begun measuring the length of different objects which we will continue next week.

Next Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. The children are invited to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. They can also bring in a copy of the book to share with the class. We look forward to seeing all of the different story characters.

Next week it is the turn of the Goldilocks’ table for Show and Tell (Harry, Benedict, Lily D, Bella and Erin).

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

A Gingerbread Cottage

This week we have been reading the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’.


We described the villainous witch and thought about what potions she could be concocting in her cottage.  We thought of our own recipe for a potion and then wrote these recipes as a set of instructions. Here are our ideas:

“A potion to turn you into a rat’s tail” (Ella)

“A potion to turn you into a cobweb” (Sofia)

“A potion to turn you into sticky slime” (Bella)

“A potion to turn you into an invisible frog” (Matilda)

“A potion to turn you into slimy ear” (Kallum)

“A potion to turn you into a spider” (Benedict)

“A potion to turn you into a  princess” (Isabella)

“A potion to turn you into a lion” (Lucas)

“A potion to make you small” (Megan)

“A potion to turn you into a mouse” (Miti)

“A potion to turn you into a rat” (Nelson)

“A potion to turn you into a snake” (Leon)

“A potion to turn you into a wheel” (Finn)

“A potion to turn you invisible” (Lily D)

“A potion to turn you into a slimy, eerie, mysterious monster” (Cruz)

“A potion to turn you into an apple” (Shinjiro)

“A potion to turn you into a frog” (Lily V)

“A potion to turn you into concrete” (Edward)

“A potion to turn you into a frog” (Aaron)

“A potion to make you fade away” (Harry)

“A potion to turn you into a snake” (Erin)

“A potion to turn you into a black mamba” (Levi)

“A potion to turn you into a poisonous spider” (Chris)

“A potion to make you fade away for a year” (Harrison)

This week we have completed our D.T project to design and make a fairy tale puppet. The children all designed their puppet and wrote a list of what materials and equipment they would need to complete their project. Here are our amazing products!















Lily D

Lily V






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In maths we have been reviewing the key skills taught this term by consolidating our reasoning and problem skills.

This week the children designed and made a beautiful plant pot from recycled yogurt pots. They then sold their product to help raise money for the Lunchbowl Network. Thank you to our school councillors Ella and Harrison who managed our plant stall.


After half term, we will be sending out information regarding our trip to Fishpond’s Wood.

We wish you all a lovely break,

The Year 1 Team

Traditional and Modern Fairy Tales

This week we have been comparing traditional and modern fairy tales. Using our core text ‘Into the Forest’ and ‘Shrek’ we have looked at the similarities and differences between stories such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and fairy tales that are written today.

We wrote our own version of a modern fairy tale by retelling the story of ‘Into the Forest’. The children planned the story on a story map and then wrote their version on Thursday. We were all blown away by the descriptive detail the children included in their writing. They used included lots of interesting descriptive details to make their stories interesting and should feel extremely proud of all of their hard work. Here are a few of their exciting descriptions:

“I pulled the duvet over my head.” (Edward)

“I began to feel anxious. It was getting colder and darker.” (Bella)

“The trees looked like a witch’s hand.” (Leon)

“That night I was woken by a terrifying sound.” (Kallum)

” I remember she told me a story of sly wolf.” (Isabella)

“Feeling nervous, for the first time ever I decided to go to through the forest.” (Benedict)

“Tentatively I opened the door.” (Ella)

In music we have been reading the story of Peter and the Wolf. We chose instruments to reflect each character’s movements and personalities.





We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

A Letter Arrived From the King

This week we continued our story ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne. When we read the book we noticed that as the the main character walked through the forest he met Jack from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

We read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and after we had finished we were surprised to receive a letter from the King asking for our help.

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We had a class discussion debating whether Jack should or should not allowed to keep the money or if he should be made to pay it back.

Reasons why Jack should be allowed to keep the money:

“The giant didn’t share with Jack. ” (Finn)

“Jack was poor.” (Shinjiro)

“The hen belonged to Jack’s father. ” (Lucas)

“The giant was greedy.” (Harrison)

“The hen belonged to his father.” (Miti)

“The giant was very greedy.” (Nelson)

“The giant was rude.” (Levi)

“The giant was mean to his wife.” (Kallum)

“He was poor and it was his dad’s in the first place.” (Harry)

“The giant was mean.” (Lily V)

“The giant was greedy.” (Leon)


Reasons why Jack should not be allowed to keep the money:

“He stole the magic harp when it did not belong to him. ” (Megan)

“Jack didn’t share the money.” (Chris)

“Jack stole the big, shimmering golden coins.” (Cruz)

“It is unfair because he didn’t share the money with the village.” (Isabella)

“Jack needs to say sorry to the giant’s wife.” (Matilda)

“He kept climbing up the beanstalk and that makes him greedy.” (Benedict)

“He stole the harp from the giant.” (Erin)

“The giant’s wife was being kind to Jack but he stole all of their things.” (Bella)

“He stole the harp.” (Lily D-P)

“How would you feel if someone took all of your special things?” (Sofia)

“Jack was greedy.” (Aaron)

“He stole the money.” (Edward)

“It is unfair because when he got all of the money he didn’t share it with the rest of the town.” (Ella)

After our class debate we planned and then wrote a letter back to the King explaining what we thought he should do.

In science we enjoyed learning about the parts of a plant you can eat, although not everyone was a fan of the radish!

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In maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction fact families. We have learnt that if 3 + 7 = 10 then 7 + 3 = 10, 10 – 3 = 7 and 10- 7 = 3.

In phonics we have been learning the sounds:

au (launch, haul, vraug, paum)

or (corn, torn, shorv, prort)

aw (yawn, dawn, chawp, kawv)

ew (few, chew, prewt, mewz)

u-e (huge, brute, chupe, lume)

ue (blue, true, laxue, whue)

While practising our throwing and catching skills in P.E we spotted a lovely rainbow which was the perfect way to end the week.


Have a great weekend,

The Year 1 Team


Have You Seen These Fairy Tale Villains?

This week we have continued reading our core text ‘Into the Forest’. We noticed that a wolf was hiding behind one of the trees and this got us to thinking about what other fairy tale villains could be lurking in the woods. To help people catch the villains we wrote a wanted poster describing a fairy tale villain. We worked hard to include adjectives to describe their appearance and characteristics.








In maths this week we have been learning how to use a number line to solve a subtraction problem. We counted backwards and used empty number lines to solve a range of subtraction equations. We then applied our understanding to write our own fairy tale subtraction word problem.

“Shrek had 19 mushrooms. He ate 12, how many mushrooms does he have left?” (Edward)

“Sleeping Beauty had 19 tiaras. She cracked 9, how many tiaras does she have left?” (Erin)

In the week beginning  Monday 5th February we will be making plant pots from recycled yogurt pots.  These will be sold to help raise money for the Lunch Bowl Network Charity.


Please could you help us by bringing in any used pots that we can turn into beautiful plant pots; the more the better. Please ensure the pots are cleaned thoroughly before bringing them into school.

Next week it is the turn of the Little Red Riding Hood table for Show and Tell (Edward, Ella, Sophia and Lily V)

Have a great weekend,

The Year 1 Team

If You Go Down To The Woods Today…

Welcome back to the Spring Term. We hope you had a great Christmas break and would like to say thank you for your kind presents and cards.

This week we have started our new topic ‘Into the Woods’. We looked at the key features of fairy tales and started our new core text ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne.

ab forest

When reading this book we noticed that the main character walks through a mysterious forest full of fairy tale objects and characters. We thought of words to describe the forest and wrote a description of the setting.

In science we have started learning about plants and enjoyed using magnifying glasses to examine plants closely. We looked at the shape of the leaves, the colour of the petals, the texture of the plant and wrote about our findings.







In maths this week we have been learning how to use a number line to help us solve an addition equation.



Congratulations to Sofia who was awarded the Good Manners Cup in assembly.  Sofia always goes that extra mile to be kind and courteous to everyone in school.

Next week it is the turn of the Billy Goats Gruff table (Finn, Harrison, Chris, Levi and Leon) for Show and Tell.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 1 Team.

The Circus Came to Town

This week we have been learning how to write a persuasive poster.  We imagined that we were creating a St Matthews Circus and generated ideas for a circus act. We then created a poster persuading people to come and watch.

In maths this week we have completed our termly maths quiz to show what we have learnt so far.

Last week we designed a moving picture and today we used a range of materials to create our design.



This week the children performed their Christmas performance ‘Baubles’. The children worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and remember when to walk on and off the stage, well done.

Today we had our Christmas Party. Thank you so much for all your kind donations to ensure the children had a great party to get them into the festive spirit.



Next week it is the turn of the Roaring Rocket table for Show and Tell (Scarlett, Miti, Lucas, Nelson and Shinjiro)

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team

A Letter Arrived

This week we received a letter from a character in our core text ‘The Way Back Home’. He asked us lots of questions about what life is like on Earth. We wrote an informal letter replying to his questions and telling him all about ourselves and the world we live in:

“I like to play tennis.” (Leon)

“My favourite football team is Liverpool.” (Harry)

“Earth is the third planet from the sun.” (Kallum)

“My favourite colour is rainbow.” (Erin)

“Earth has one moon.” (Lily)

“Did you know that Earth is the third planet from the sun?” (Matilda)

“Did you know that Earth is called the Goldilocks planet?” (Harrison)

“I have a favourite teddy called Libby.” (Ella)

“I have a twin sister called Ella. I am seventy minutes older. “ (Finn)

“My favourite animal is a flamingo.” (Megan)

“I like football and tennis.” (Nelson)

“Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.” (Miti)

“I have a cat called Bowie.” (Chris)

“I have three brothers and a dog.” (Lucas)

“I have two guinea-pigs. One is a bit cheeky.” (Cruz)

“My favourite lunch is Christmas lunch.” (Edward)

“I love my toy car.” (Scarlett)

“Earth has seven continents.” (Shinjiro)

“Earth is sometimes called the Goldilocks planet because it’s not too hot, not too dry, not too cold and not too wet.” (Aaron)

“My favourite colours are green and blue.” (Bella)

“I have a baby brother and sister but I am the oldest.” (Benedict)

“I have one cheeky brother.” (Sofia)

“I live on Earth. Earth has people and it has animals. “ (Isabella)

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds: a-e, ay and ai.

In maths we have been estimating, measuring and comparing the lengths of different objects. We used cubes to measure a: lollipop stick, pencil, pipe cleaner, domino and straw. We then used a ruler to also measure the items in cm. We wrote mathematical statements using the symbols < > = to compare the length of each object.

Next week it is the turn of the But Martin! table for Show and Tell (Harry, Ella, Benedict, Erin and Matilda).

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team