Dear Parents and Carers
This week for the children’s homework I have posted some more Phonics practise, as well as some maths booklets the children can have a go at. Each week I will post a different one to match the topics we have covered. This week the children can look at questions based on place value (our first topic covered this year). The children have worked very hard at consolidating their phonic knowledge, and I feel confident that all of the children are ready for our test next week.
In English, we have been continuing our adventure through the Aaron Becker Journey series, with the second book Quest. The children created wanted posters for the magical king from the story, focusing on creating exciting character descriptions. The children have really enjoyed exploring these books, and we have got some incredible creative writing from it. In maths, the children started learning about money. We learnt how to recognise coins and notes, how to count in pounds and pence, and how to select the correct amount of money. If you have any coins at home, ask the children about what they have learnt!
In science, the children learnt about the names of different animal babies, which animals look different to their parents (such as tadpoles and frogs), and the life cycles of living things. In R.E., the children learnt about Saint David, and tried to answer the question what saints mean to Christians. In our topic lesson, we explored different facts and features about the Isle of Wight and Australia.
Next week, we will be writing acrostic poems in English, continuing to look at money in maths, learning about the wildlife of Australia and how it is different to what we have in the UK in topic, and in science, the children are learning about the different stages of humans. In R.E., the children will be creating pictures of what a saint means to them or others. In P.E., we will be moving from dance to yoga, and continuing football in outdoor PE.
Below are all the phonics and maths resources needed to continue their learning at home. Don’t feel as though you have to look at all of the resources. Have a lovely weekend, and well done to all of the children for another fantastic week, we are all very proud of the effort you are putting into each and every day!
Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick
Phonics Revision 1
Phonics Revision 2
Phonics Revision 3
Phonics Revision 4
Phonics Revision 5
Maths Place Value