Inspiring women and geographical wonders!

Dear Parents and Carers

We have now been back for a month and the children are settled and working hard. They show they same excellent enthusiasm 4 weeks in as they did the first week back. This week the children have spellings to look at on Spelling Shed. If you are not able to access the spellings at home, please let me know and we can sort a paper copy for you. The children will also be practising their spellings in school.

This week in English the children have been writing shape poems about Mount Everest, inspired by the mountaineer Junko Tabei (the first woman to climb the mountain). We researched what it would be like at different points on the 8849 metre journey up Everest and created descriptive sentences for our poems. In maths the children have continued their learning on position and direction, concluding with a small quiz today. In RE, the children learnt the Buddhist story of the Monkey King and explored what the word sacrifice means. In History, we learnt about the brilliant Mary Seacole and her inspiring determination to help people. In Science, we explored large habitats from around the world, such as deserts, oceans and rain forests.

We also had our first Relationship education lesson, in which the children discussed gender stereotypes and talked about which objects and colours they thought were for girls, boys and everyone. Everyone came to the conclusion at the end of the lesson that all of the objects listed can be used by everyone if they want to use them.

Next week, we are consolidating our knowledge on multiplication and division, starting with arrays. In English, we are retelling the story of Esio Trot. In RE, the children will be reading and learning about more Buddhist stories. In History, the children will be looking at Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole together and the impact they both had on nursing. In Guided Reading, we are spending the week focusing on arrays. In Art, the children will be learning about a new artist and practising painting in a particular style.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Mr Stocking, Mrs Killy and Mrs Fenwick

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