Our first week of Year 2

Dear Parents/Carers

The first week of Year 2 is complete and the children are settling into the new school year nicely. In what has been a different start to normal, the children have shown excellent resilience and have taken to the necessary changes fantastically well.

Each Friday I will be sending out a letter, going over a few of the things we have looked at in the week and what we will be doing the following week, along with any important notices or reminders. This will also be posted to the class blog. Some weeks it may not be possible to send out paper copies and it will only be available on the Year 2 blog.

This week the children have made ID cards, and written about their summer holidays. In maths, we started to look at place value, starting with using practical resources to identify tens and ones. The children enjoyed our new virtual assemblies, in which Mr Quinn live streamed to all of the classrooms so we could have our usual whole school worship. We also completed various phonics activities, continuing their learning from Year 1.

Our first topic for the year is ‘Wish you were here’ in which we learn about the Isle of Wight and Australia, as well as the countries of the U.K. and the oceans of the world. The children were introduced to the topic by designing their own dream islands. We had some very creative and imaginative island designs!

Looking to next week, we will be looking at partitioning 2 digit numbers in maths. In English, the children will be introduced to our story for this term, The Lonely Beast We will be starting our Science and whole class phonic lessons, as well as starting our new PE topics – dance, and athletics. P.E. lessons will be on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and the children can leave their PE kit in school for this half term.

Next week I will be sending out a PowerPoint that I have put together, in place of the usual meet the teacher meetings that would happen at this time of year. This will go over what we are doing this term, and any changes that being in Year 2 brings. If you have any specific questions, please email the office with them and I will try to include the answers in the PowerPoint.

Thank you for your support, have a lovely weekend,

Mr. Stocking and the Year 2 team.

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