Today Was The Most Catastrophic Day!

This week we have  been busy bees! On Monday the children wrote their diary entry as Mr Grinling describing the catastrophic day when he locked Hamish in the lighthouse. We were so impressed by the descriptive details the children included in their writing.

In maths this week we have been reviewing our learning by completing our termly maths assessments. These are a way to review our learning and help us get ready for Year Two.

In science we have been learning how animals produce offspring that grow into adults. We have looked at various animals and drawn a life cycle of a butterfly. Below is an example of the children’s work by Lily D.

Over the next two weeks we will be looking at how humans grow and change. Please could the children bring in a photograph of them as a baby or toddler to share with the class.

Congratulations to Miti who has been chosen to represent our class in the School Council poetry competition on Monday. He will be performing the poem ‘Nobody Loves Me’. Well done Miti.

Please note that next week will be the last week we will be sending out books.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year One Team

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