Dear Parents and Carers,
Below is the lesson overview for today and the resources needed to complete these activities. Along side this I will also be adding a few lists to spelling shed that the children will be able to access over the next week if they want to.
I will be uploading two videos to Class Dojo. One will be myself reading the story Chapati Moon, and the other will be a maths input for today’s learning.
Thank you for all of your support this week and the kind messages towards, not only me, but also to the rest of the Year 2 team and the wider school community. It has been greatly appreciated, and I hope the children’s enthusiasm for home learning can continue going forward. I’d just like to add that I don’t want anyone to feel pressured by the activities I set. It is there as guidance and I fully understand that all of the work might not be able to finished in these difficult times. The last thing I want to do is cause anyone, child or parent, anxiety and stress when a lot of us have enough of that already!
The new classdojo password is: GHJ XQA
Kind Regards
Mr Stocking
Lesson Overview
Friday 26th March Lesson Overview
Maths Resources
Length PowerPoint Calculating lengths
English Resources
Additional activities