This week we wrote our guides informing readers on how to spot a Wild Thing. We included lots of adjectives to describe their appearance and explained where they lived and what they like to eat.
On Thursday we celebrated ‘World Book Day’ and dressed up as our favourite characters from different stories. To celebrate the day we participated in a whole school parade to showcase our amazing outfits. Thank you for your donations towards the Book Aid Trust. In the assembly the children learnt about how their donations help bring books to children around the world.
In maths we have been learning how to measure length and height. We measured different items in the classroom using cubes and then learnt how to measure in cm.
In R.E we have started our new unit of learning called ‘Why is Easter the most important festival for Christians?’ This week we learnt about the importance of Palm Sunday which is the beginning of Holy Week. We made our own palms to reenact the story.
This week we have completed our D.T project to design and make a story puppet. The children all designed their puppet and wrote a list of what materials and equipment they would need to complete their project. Here are our amazing products:
in phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have learnt so far. Below is a link to a PowerPoint which contains words from a previous phonics quiz for the children to practise at home.
Next week it is the turn of Grover, Sophia, Rodrigo and John for Show and Tell.
It looks like the sun has finally come out so we hope you have a restful and sun-filled weekend,
The Year One Team