Step 1: Open google chrome or go to in your internet browser.
Step 2: Click on the 9 dots in the top right hand corner of the screen
A menu should drop down that looks like this:
Step 3: Click on account.
The screen should look something like this. Click on the blue sign in button.
You will now need to sign in with your username. It will be some letters of your surname, first name and some random numbers.
Step 4: type in :
Step 5: type in password. This is a random word followed by a number. Eg football2
Step 6: Click on the 9 dots again and this should drop down. Click on the classroom icon.
This page should appear. Click on the purple box.
In the classroom you will find a stream. You can message one another, which I know the children have been very excited about. If anyone writes anything rude or abusive on there, I will block you from posting.
To access the homework, click onto classwork.
Please all have a go at home and let me know at school how you get on.