Dear Parents/Carers
It was lovely to see you all for parents evening this week, and I hope it was a helpful experience for everyone. For Spelling shed this week the children are either looking at the /l/ sound spelt –le or the /z/ sound spelt zz or s. I have set maths shed this week. There is a variety of number bond games to practise that all of the children can access.
In maths this week, we finished learning about money. The children learnt how to find the difference in two amounts, how to find the correct change and how to work through two-step problems. In English we finished working towards and wrote our stories that mirrored Journey. The children worked very hard at their writing and we have some wonderful stories. In topic, the children learnt about different landmarks in Australia and how the Isle of Wight and Australia are similar and different. In Art, the children designed postcards with different Isle of Wight landmarks on. In R.E., the children thought about Remembrance day and what was special to them.
This half term we will be learning and rehearsing our Christmas production. The children in Year 2 will be doing the acting parts. Our practises are in full swing, and the children have been brilliant at learning the songs and practising their lines. Please can you continue to practise your child’s line with them at home.
Looking to next week, we will be editing and publishing our stories, looking at the concept of different in greater detail in maths and in Science we are looking at what animals need to survive. In R.E. we are learning about Saints.
The winner of our star of the week this week is Belle, congratulations!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mr. Stocking and the Year 2 team.